Iloilo City Compliance Officers: Guarding "Wakanda"

(by REIN VINCENT DAYOT of the Iloilo City Sports Development Division, City Mayor's Office, City Government of Iloilo)

There’s a reason why Iloilo City is called the “Wakanda of the Philippines;’’ Iloilo City is proactively preparing an exit plan as it entered the “New Normal.” The main part of this strategy is ensuring that the minimum health standards against COVID-19 are enforced.

But battles can’t be won without its soldiers.  For Iloilo City, the “Iloilo City Compliance Officers” are at the forefront to ensure that Ilonggos are protected from the enemy. Hon. Jerry Treñas himself, the City Mayor, along with other heads of offices, and Executive Assistant Rudiver Jungco, Sr. initiated the Team.  Taking the lead is the Sports Development Office under the Office of the City Mayor with its staff composing the Team of Enforcers.

The untiring personnel comprising the Team ensure that Regulation Ordinances on wearing of face mask and physical distancing are observed. The teams have been deployed since April, at the height of community lockdowns, to cascade to the community the importance of these health protocols. These enforcers risk their own safety and wellness to inspect various establishments and visit barangays to ensure that the communities comply with the health protocols.

In a snap, everyone’s lives have changed, and these heroes, the Compliance Team, continue to do their best to bring back, and sustain this “New Normal.” However, their efforts only remain as effective as it can be with everyone’s cooperation.

Iloilo is a Wakanda for the right reasons.  It moves on despite the challenges of this pandemic because Ilonggos unite and help each other. And for this Wakanda, the Compliance Team – Iloilo’s Dora Milaje, remains steadfast and relentless: Padayon sa pag-BATÒ (fight) Iloilo!

Regardless of religion, Executive Assistant Rudiver Jungco Sr. with his team, 
pray for safety before each deployment.

The enhanced compliance team pave the streets to check 
if the community is following the basic health protocols.

On August 19, 2020, Mr. Rudiver Jungco Sr., Executive Assistant for Youth and Sports together with the heads of Offices/ Divisions meet with personnel from Iloilo City Sports Development Division, Green Guards, Task Force on Moral and Values, BPLO, and ICAST on the strict implementation of regulation ordinances 061 & 066. The different teams worktogether to level-up the enforcement of the policies for the safety of everyone. 

The Compliance Officers together with Iloilo City Sports Academy Trainers prepare the venue for the distribution of SAP for the beneficiaries. They make sure that everyone observes social distancing and properly wears their face masks during the said activity. 

Compliance Officers deployed in Public Markets and Business Establishments to time to make sure that these places are safe for the Ilonggo community.

Compliance Officers deployed in various areas and barangays in the City

CAUAYAN's Medical Health Officer: a "Knight" Dressed in White

(by WILFRED STEVEN P. GAYATAO, R.N., Nurse I of the Municipal Health Office, LGU Cauayan)

Many fairy tales describe a damsel in distress being rescued by a knight in shining armour.  They fight their enemy together and live happily ever after.  In real life, anybody can be in distress, not only damsels.  And anybody can serve as a knight in an armour, take the lead in fighting an enemy, and somehow, help people live happily (and comfortably) ever after.

COVID-19 found many in distress.  But for the municipality of Cauayan, Negros Occidental, the valiant knight is a damsel.  And she is not in distress.  In fact, she led the community to prepare and forestall the distress caused by the pandemic.


Dr. MA. AYESSA B. HUGNATAN, Municipal Health Officer of Cauayan’s kindness and valor primed a strong Cauayan in battling this pandemic. Among the breakthroughs she initiated was the installation of digitized thermal cameras in the municipality’s COVID-19 Isolation Facility.  This was made possible with the collaboration and strong support of the Local Government Unit (LGU) led by  Mayor John Rey D. Tabujara and Vice Mayor Anna Liza T. Soriano. Moreover, the Cauayan Commercial Complex and Terminal owned by LGU was converted into a Temporary Treatment and Monitoring Facility duly accredited by the Department of Health.  The facility which started its operations in June 2020 is the first in the province of Negros Occidental and first in South East Asia to utilize Thermal Cameras in an Isolation Room. 

With her experience in the medical field and knowing the risks of COVID 19 being contracted by the health care workers, Dr. Hugnatan initiated the provision of digital blood pressure apparatus and pulse oximeter.  The installation was meant to lessen the contact and exposure of health care workers to patients thereby promoting the wellness and safety of both, the patients and the health workers. Through Dr. Hugnatan’s eagerness and persistence, the facility became equipped with staff and personnel who are not only competent but who also strictly adhere to the health protocols set by the Department of Health and World Health Organization. 

Thru Dr. Hugnatan’s leadership and hardwork, the support of the local government officials, and the cooperation of the community, Cauayan, Negros Occidental has had ZERO confirmed cases for its health care workers and ZERO cases from local transmission.


The battle is far from over.  And Cauayan’s valiant knight who leads the fight isn’t wearing an armour.  She is a Medical Health Officer and we call her, Doctor.   



USWAG Community Kitchen: Caring for Fellow Ilonggos

(by MARY GRACE CENTINO of the Local Government of Iloilo City) 

The COVID-19 pandemic took its toll in all aspects of our lives, and our City Government led by Mayor Jerry P. Trenas is resolute in the commitment NOT TO LEAVE ANY ILONGGO BEHIND.


But the enhanced community quarantine which restricted the movement of people in the community threatened to leave many people hungry. 

This is how the USWAG Community Kitchen (UCK) was conceived.  The UCK is an embodiment of Ilonggo resilience and compassion.  It was meant to bring together  everyone who is willing to extend anything that would keep our fellow Ilonggos from going hungry.  True to our motto, “Batò Iloilo, (Masarangan ta ini),” the UCK was the City Government’s way of reaching out to as many Ilonggos as possible during one of the bleakest periods in modern history.  By affording those who have less in life to receive their most basic need, the UCK will be able to make every one of them feel unabandoned.  As such, we are able to create ripples of compassion and motivation for Ilonggos to carry on despite the odds.  This challenge will come pass!

The UCK also allowed people from all walks of life to extend whatever they wanted to offer:  some donated cash, others provided goods, yet others simply volunteered to help in the preparation and distribution of food. 

Barangay officials, day care teachers and volunteers prepare around 8,000 to 9,000 food meals for Ilonggos even as the period of the Enhance Community Quarantine has resumed this month.  There are 135 UCKs activated in 84 poorest barangays in the City who were identified based on the records of the Department of Social Welfare and Development.  Larger barangays host several UCKs.

As the focal person of the UCK, I took it upon myself to ensure that the less fortunate Ilonggos will not be hungry. Our spirit of volunteerism was strengthened in this initiative, as we passionately cooked and served in the barangays, despite the clear and apparent threat of COVID-19. Every single individual who partook of the project bravely faced the risks to be at the forefront, helping our fellow Ilonggos. 


The UCK bears the principle of inclusivity which stems from the harmonious and active cooperation of every individual behind this initiative: donors, volunteers, even recipients altogether.


For every mouth fed thru the UCK, we appease not only the recipient’s hunger, but also our souls. We are nourished by the awareness that our small acts of kindness, lovingly extended to our fellow Ilonggos, are never wasted.

Various food supplies for distribution are sorted out for delivery to USWAG Community Kitchens in the barangays.

The various volunteers for the USWAG Community Kitchens:

301st Infantry Bayanihan Brigade


DILG’s e-LSI Team: Leading Ilonggos Home

(by FREDA MAE L. SORSANO of DILG Region 6)

The sudden lockdowns in various areas in the country found many fellow Ilonggos stranded. But a dedicated group of DILG Regional and Field Personnel called, Emergency Locally Stranded Individuals (e-LSI) Team, worked in the frontlines to help LSIs, ROFs and APORs report to work and/or get home.

With strategic and systematic rotation of duty, there has been a seamless provision of 24/7 (including holidays and weekends) assistance to LSIs, ROFs and APORs travelling by sea or air, and constant coordination with DILG and other NGA counterparts. The Team reports physically at the OCD during daytime and virtually until the wee hours of the morning.

The members of the e-LSI team have been working in the frontlines since the start of the Emergency Operations Center in March and report on behalf of colleagues who are unable to report on certain days.

The e-LSI team also develops and maintains an online databank to record, monitor and generate data on the number, address and other details of local and foreign returnees. They utilize technology to segregate and summarize data, which has been very helpful for LGUs in the facilitation of their LSIs/APORs/ROFs and were used in various local and national reports.

“We have a chance to do something extraordinary. As we head out of this pandemic we can change the world. Create a world of love. A world where we are kind to each other. A world where we are kind no matter what class, race, sexual orientation, what religion or lack of or what job we have. A world we don't judge those at the food bank because that may be us if things were just slightly different. Let love and kindness be our roadmap.”
Johnny Corn

Team e-LSI’s dedication and ingenuity at the time of the pandemic did not only help generate accurate data that became the basis for reports.  More importantly, they helped lead many Ilonggos home even if it meant that these lingkod bayan need to risk themselves serving at the frontlines.   

The system developed by the e-LSI team can generate real-time data on LSI, ROF and APOR arrivals as encoded by Regional and Field Officers


e-LSI Team's Social Media promotional campaign to assist LSIs

SIGMA RESPONSE TEAM: Heroism in the midst of the Pandemic

(by MARY ANN L. GUILLERMO, Local DRRM Assistant, of MDRRMO Sigma)

Emergency responders are real-life superheroes. They are those whose job is to respond immediately when there is an accident, an emergency or a calamity. Equally essential to the first responders are the ambulance drivers who are skilled to drive emergency vehicles to a scene, as fast and as safely as possible.


The Sigma Response Team (SRT) was established in November 25, 2020 to cater to the need of Sigmahanons for response during emergencies and calamities. The SRT is composed of 19 responders, 3 of those are ambulance drivers. They are trained in Emergency Medical Response (EMR) and Basic Life Support (BLS). SRT provides assistance in many medical and vehicular accidents and also calamities such as Typhoon Ursula, the first typhoon to which they responded.


But at the onslaught this pandemic, MDRRMO Responders became among the vital frontliners who do not only respond to emergencies but more importantly, they ensure the safety and well-being of the people they transport and aid. They assist other agencies in conducting border controls since community lockdowns were declared in March 2020. They are also the ones assigned to lead the disinfection of public places and the quarantine facilities. The MDRRMO responders and ambulance drivers also became the drivers who transported Locally Stranded Individuals (LSIs) and Returning Overseas Filipinos (ROFs) from the airport to their respected quarantine facilities.  They also assist during the conduct of rapid and swab testing.


On September 7, 2020, at around 10:00 o’clock in the evening, while en route to Roxas City to pick up an ROF, the team figured in a vehicular accident at Ondoy Ivisan, Capiz. Mr. Darius G. Yap, the ambulance driver on duty, tried his best to avoid the oncoming vehicle --  but failed. He was pronounced dead-on-arrival in the hospital. That was his last act of heroism. Mr. Yap was a diligent and efficient driver. He was with Mr. Ernie F. Fulgencio and Mr. John Rey S. Castillon. Both responders were rushed to the hospital. Mr. Fulgencio was also declared dead at 3:40 AM, September 8. 2020 while Mr. Castillon was in a critical condition.


The team lost two dedicated and compassionate responders who did not renege on their duties or cower at the challenge of transporting passengers during the pandemic.  They were always ready and willing to help other people and they knew the risks entailed by their jobs.  Although their deaths may have been grim and sudden, theirs became piercing reminders of the ultimate sacrifice that some brave and selfless men and women endure in the name of public service. Sir Darius and Sir Ernie are our modern-day unsung heroes.  They died in their quest to ensure that others may live.










(The lone survivor of the incident, JOHN REY SAMSON CASTILLON is Casual Volunteer Responder. ERNIE FULGENCIO FULGENCIO was a Casual Volunteer Responder, while DARIUS GARBE YAP was a Casual Volunteer Driver (Ambulance).)


(by Leenard M. Cristobal, HRMO III of LGU Kalibo)

I cannot help but take my hats-off to a colleague for her extraordinary courage and dedication towards work despite the threat of COVID-19. Ms. Annielyn Peralta-De Martin is a Utility Worker of the Local Government Unit of Kalibo, assigned at the Tourism and Cultural Affairs Division (TCAD) of the LGU owned tourist inn, the Ati-atihan County Inn (ACI).

With tourist arrivals indicating an appalling decline, ACI’s operation became grossly affected. Thus, LGU Kalibo proactively made a U-turn by utilizing ACI as the central quarantine facility catering Kalibohon Returning Overseas Filipinos and Locally Stranded Individuals.

This pandemic, posing extreme risks, demands commitment that would serve the public’s best interests. Ms. De Martin was among the pioneers of the ACI. She has been with the Inn since it was established 10 years ago, working wholeheartedly. Then, the pandemic happened.

Ms. DeMartin rose to the challenge of a greater responsibility: to lead her team into a battle with the unseen. 

Since TCAD’s division chief was on maternity leave from the early stages of community lockdowns until July this year, the ACI needed a substitute Manager. Given Ms. De Martin’s experience and track record, the exigency of service required her to take the role of an “ACI manager” alongside her tasks as utility worker. Her immediate supervisor, the Tourism Operations Officer, supported the set-up so Ms. De Martin had to work extended hours and also report to the Inn even on her rest days when necessary. For one whose routine as utility worker has spanned ten long years, additional tasks on top of her regular functions can be truly daunting. But for Ms. De Martin, she willingly and wholeheartedly performed all that was necessary, even to the extent of taking extra miles, just to ensure that the LSIs and OFWs housed in the Inn are well and properly accommodated. 

With the sterling leadership of Mayor Emerson S. Lachica of LGU Kalibo, and Ms. De Martin leading the ACI team, working and collaborating with partner health authorities to strictly enforce health and safety protocols, the ACI as a quarantine facility, has comfortably and safely provided refuge to many Kalibonhons who were battling the threat of this unseen enemy.

Courage is found in unlikely places, according to J.R.R. Tolkien. For the Ati-atihan Country Inn, it’s found in a woman named Ms. Annielyn Peralta-De Martin.

Annielyn with her fellow frontliners at the Ati-atihan County Inn, taking a bit of time for photo opportunity while monitoring the quarantine facility and ensuring its compliance to health and safety standards.

Annielyn meticulously preparing the room and food for ROFs/LSIs at the Ati-atihan County Inn 

(ANNIELYN PERALTA-DE MARTIN is an Administrative Aide I (Utility Worker I) for the Ati-Atihan Country Inn under LGU Kalibo)

Fighting Fear with Facts

 (by MA. LUCY M. SINAY, City Information Officer, Iloilo City Government)

It has always been said that information is power. This has never been truer in my job as I face the challenge of ensuring that accurate information is disseminated to the Ilonggo public in this time of global health crisis.

I have seen how vital it is to give the public correct information and provide them with legitimate sources of news so as not to unduly cause panic and fear.

While some people work from home under the new normal, I report to the office Monday to Friday, but do my work almost 24/7 as the flow of information from the City Government to the public should be unhampered. There are press releases to be written, announcements and policies to be posted, news and information to be fed to the media, and IEC materials to be made. There is also the conduct of either face-to-face or virtual press conferences with the City Mayor.


I believe if people are aware of things happening around them, then they can overcome their fear of COVID-19, become more responsible and selfless, and be more cooperative especially in complying with health protocols. People will also be empowered to make sound decisions regarding the health and safety of their families and communities.  Elia Kazan wrote, "Whatever hysteria exists is inflamed by mystery, suspicion and secrecy. Hard and exact facts will cool it." 

Apparently, hysteria is the enemy of this new normal.  And the only way to subdue it is by fighting fear with facts.

Regular Press Conference with members of the Iloilo City Hall Press Corps at the Mayor’s Office.