Braving the Perils

(by: Ella I. Arriola)

Living in this peculiar times when the world is grappling with an invisible enemy that caused this pandemic is enormously challenging. One woman however, has remained unshaken - Jo Ann S. Cabrera, a public school teacher.

By braving the perils even of widespread community transmission of COVID-19 in Bacolod, she was able to touch the lives of many students, fellow government workers, and people in the community.

By generating varied resources amidst the prolonged community lockdowns, this Lingkod Bayani helps her fellowmen withstand the crisis and inspires them to live and adjust in this new normal.

Among her initiatives is resource generation to support the implementation of school Remote Learning Modalities. She also helped provide livelihood for jobless drivers, as well as gather and distribute food supplies for frontliners and poverty-driven community. Miss Cabrera also composed the song, “Oh, COVID-19” which is now featured in RBI Module 1, and uploaded in social media platforms as a learning material in Social Studies for learners from Grades 1-12. The song inspires students and parents alike to maintain high hopes and not to give up on life despite the pandemic.

When you serve the least of your brethren, you also serve God,” is this valiant teacher’s philosophy. Truly an inspiring, Lingkod Bayani!


"Oh, COVID-19," Ms. Cabrera's original song composition about the pandemic

(Miss Jo Ann S. Cabrera is a Teacher-1 from A.L. Jayme Elementary School, Bacolod City)


  1. Indeed she is an inspiration ...against all odds...she was never hesitant to take the lead and and HELP....Were very proud of You mam Cabrera.

    1. thank you so heart is overwhelmed..

  2. Her optimism in generating resources for the betterment of the school and her community is indefatigable. She is indeed, an icon in the system worth emulating!

  3. As we celebrate Teachers' Month, the Deped Bacolod​ City Family takes pride in telling and retelling your story, Ma'am Jo Ann Sarmen Cabrera​. You are a woman of formidable Courage to overcome any challenge, deep Commitment to the service and immense Compassion for others. You are one Public School Teacher worthy of emulation by your fellow Educators, a relentless spirit searching for her purpose, and an indefatigable Scouter fulfilling her Duty to God, Country, Others, and Self. May your tribe increase. Salute to you, "Lingkod Bayani ng kasalukuyang panahon"!

  4. I am genuinely happy and proud of you my high school batch ma'am Jo Ann. You deserve around of applause πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘. Thank you for helping others. Congratulations ma'am Jo.😍

  5. She is an inspiration to everybody... Her doings genuinely radiates the true inner beauty of her personality in and out... Kudos to you our dear Jo Ann Cabrera of ALJES.. The Jaymenian community and family are so proud of you...
    Continue to bring honor and glory to our Almigthy God...

  6. Kudos to Mam Jo Ann..You worked without aiming for recognition. Now, this recognition is a bonus for working selflessly for others. We are indeed so proud of your accomplishments. AP Family supports you in your endeavors♥️ AJA!!!

  7. Indeed you deserve this recognition Maam Jo Ann! Congatulations❤️!

  8. Amidst the pandemic phenomenon , you surface like a morning star that brings hope to everybody. You keep on shining by braving the way to those who are in needs. You are not afraid to face the enemy instead you fought back by extending a helping hand not only to your colleague but most of all to the lowly. Indeed, you are one in a million. ..Kudos !!! My super hyper GL,ca woman with beave heart..I' m so proud of you . God bless you..

  9. Good pm,, thank you ma'am Jo Ann Cabrera for your kind and helpful,,good teacher in A.L. Jayme Elem. School
    I'm so proud of you ma'am . God bless you ma'am.❤️❤️❤️

  10. Congratulations Mrs Cabrera For This Achievement ! you deserve it!

  11. Thank You for Your Bravery and Never ending Service to your community!

  12. Service without asking in return, name it. thats Her! congratulation. #maamcabrera

  13. We your students are so proud of you ma'am!Congratulations and godbless you

  14. Thank you for being our adviser maam.. I will always be thankful and grateful for all the knowledge you thought us..Congrats Ma'am Jo!love you!♡ Noraine Venice😊

  15. I believe that She is an Empowered Woman who inspires many people ! Kudos To This New Hero

  16. A woman with passion and compassion for others.

  17. Thank you for being an example on how to maximize your God-given talents!
