Iloilo City Compliance Officers: Guarding "Wakanda"

(by REIN VINCENT DAYOT of the Iloilo City Sports Development Division, City Mayor's Office, City Government of Iloilo)

There’s a reason why Iloilo City is called the “Wakanda of the Philippines;’’ Iloilo City is proactively preparing an exit plan as it entered the “New Normal.” The main part of this strategy is ensuring that the minimum health standards against COVID-19 are enforced.

But battles can’t be won without its soldiers.  For Iloilo City, the “Iloilo City Compliance Officers” are at the forefront to ensure that Ilonggos are protected from the enemy. Hon. Jerry Treñas himself, the City Mayor, along with other heads of offices, and Executive Assistant Rudiver Jungco, Sr. initiated the Team.  Taking the lead is the Sports Development Office under the Office of the City Mayor with its staff composing the Team of Enforcers.

The untiring personnel comprising the Team ensure that Regulation Ordinances on wearing of face mask and physical distancing are observed. The teams have been deployed since April, at the height of community lockdowns, to cascade to the community the importance of these health protocols. These enforcers risk their own safety and wellness to inspect various establishments and visit barangays to ensure that the communities comply with the health protocols.

In a snap, everyone’s lives have changed, and these heroes, the Compliance Team, continue to do their best to bring back, and sustain this “New Normal.” However, their efforts only remain as effective as it can be with everyone’s cooperation.

Iloilo is a Wakanda for the right reasons.  It moves on despite the challenges of this pandemic because Ilonggos unite and help each other. And for this Wakanda, the Compliance Team – Iloilo’s Dora Milaje, remains steadfast and relentless: Padayon sa pag-BATÒ (fight) Iloilo!

Regardless of religion, Executive Assistant Rudiver Jungco Sr. with his team, 
pray for safety before each deployment.

The enhanced compliance team pave the streets to check 
if the community is following the basic health protocols.

On August 19, 2020, Mr. Rudiver Jungco Sr., Executive Assistant for Youth and Sports together with the heads of Offices/ Divisions meet with personnel from Iloilo City Sports Development Division, Green Guards, Task Force on Moral and Values, BPLO, and ICAST on the strict implementation of regulation ordinances 061 & 066. The different teams worktogether to level-up the enforcement of the policies for the safety of everyone. 

The Compliance Officers together with Iloilo City Sports Academy Trainers prepare the venue for the distribution of SAP for the beneficiaries. They make sure that everyone observes social distancing and properly wears their face masks during the said activity. 

Compliance Officers deployed in Public Markets and Business Establishments to time to make sure that these places are safe for the Ilonggo community.

Compliance Officers deployed in various areas and barangays in the City

CAUAYAN's Medical Health Officer: a "Knight" Dressed in White

(by WILFRED STEVEN P. GAYATAO, R.N., Nurse I of the Municipal Health Office, LGU Cauayan)

Many fairy tales describe a damsel in distress being rescued by a knight in shining armour.  They fight their enemy together and live happily ever after.  In real life, anybody can be in distress, not only damsels.  And anybody can serve as a knight in an armour, take the lead in fighting an enemy, and somehow, help people live happily (and comfortably) ever after.

COVID-19 found many in distress.  But for the municipality of Cauayan, Negros Occidental, the valiant knight is a damsel.  And she is not in distress.  In fact, she led the community to prepare and forestall the distress caused by the pandemic.


Dr. MA. AYESSA B. HUGNATAN, Municipal Health Officer of Cauayan’s kindness and valor primed a strong Cauayan in battling this pandemic. Among the breakthroughs she initiated was the installation of digitized thermal cameras in the municipality’s COVID-19 Isolation Facility.  This was made possible with the collaboration and strong support of the Local Government Unit (LGU) led by  Mayor John Rey D. Tabujara and Vice Mayor Anna Liza T. Soriano. Moreover, the Cauayan Commercial Complex and Terminal owned by LGU was converted into a Temporary Treatment and Monitoring Facility duly accredited by the Department of Health.  The facility which started its operations in June 2020 is the first in the province of Negros Occidental and first in South East Asia to utilize Thermal Cameras in an Isolation Room. 

With her experience in the medical field and knowing the risks of COVID 19 being contracted by the health care workers, Dr. Hugnatan initiated the provision of digital blood pressure apparatus and pulse oximeter.  The installation was meant to lessen the contact and exposure of health care workers to patients thereby promoting the wellness and safety of both, the patients and the health workers. Through Dr. Hugnatan’s eagerness and persistence, the facility became equipped with staff and personnel who are not only competent but who also strictly adhere to the health protocols set by the Department of Health and World Health Organization. 

Thru Dr. Hugnatan’s leadership and hardwork, the support of the local government officials, and the cooperation of the community, Cauayan, Negros Occidental has had ZERO confirmed cases for its health care workers and ZERO cases from local transmission.


The battle is far from over.  And Cauayan’s valiant knight who leads the fight isn’t wearing an armour.  She is a Medical Health Officer and we call her, Doctor.