The Passion of a Running Pato


Now more than ever, frontline workers face greater hardships and more severe health risks as they perform their tasks. But more than ensuring that safety protocols are in place, one person from the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) – Region VI, takes the lead in promoting health and wellness in their workplace. He is Bobby “Running Pato” B. Pepino, Administrative Aide VI, assigned at the Finance and Administrative Division – Records Section of DILG Region VI, and is currently designated as their Safety Officer.

Prior to the pandemic, Mr. Pepino organized the Running Pato Club to encourage his fellow DILG employees to look after their health by means of running, exercising and other health-related activities. The club is known for joining and spearheading several “running pato” or Walk and Run (WAR) for-a-Cause activities in the City. 

The current crisis caused by COVID-19 did not stop the founder of Running Pato from looking after the safety not only of his fellow DILG employees but also of his fellow Ilonggos. Since March 19, 2020, he managed to conduct several activities and initiatives which include the installation of a Misting Tent (Personnel Sanitation Area) for the Use of DILG Regional Office VI Personnel. He also facilitated the request for the use of a Thermal Imaging Camera-Scanner from ICAG Volunteer Fire Brigade by the DILG Regional Office VI Personnel. 

His altruism extends to the community as a volunteer and Team Leader for the ICAG Fire Volunteer Brigade. He participated in several decontamination and disinfection activities in various government offices, roads, subdivisions, churches, and even hospitals during the prolonged period of community quarantine. He helped transport PPEs, and fabricate face shields. He also assisted in the recorida of fire trucks for information dissemination on Basic Health Protocols for the prevention of COVID-19.

There is never an easy task for Mr. Pepino and for the rest of us, civil servants. We are all trying to fight an invisible enemy. We all try to efficiently use our time and resources in order to survive and keep going. But, Mr. Pepino rises above the challenges and perils of the circumstances by devoting his time in the service of others, and going beyond the call of public service. Viktor Frankl wrote, “In times of crisis, people reach for meaning. Meaning is strength. Our survival may depend on our seeking and finding it.” For Running Pato, his passion gives his life meaning, and it lies in being able to protect the community and in keeping everyone else safe and healthy.
Running Pato: running for his passion, running for public service

Serving as Team Leader of ICAG Volunteer Fire Brigade for the Decontamination/Disinfection
of various government office and major streets in Iloilo City, barangay roads, 
and subdivisions since the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) started in March 2020

Decontamination/Disinfection procedures conducted at the DILG Regional Office VI

Running Pato acting as Team Leader and Fire Truck Operator of ICAG Volunteer Fire Brigade during the conduct of Decontamination/Disinfection Procedures at St. Paul’s Hospital and Iloilo City Hall on July 11, 2020

(Ms. Bobby B. Pepino is an Administrative Aide VI at DILG Region VI)

1 comment:

  1. He also collaborated with several groups in organization of medical missions.
